Projects Raspberry Pi

Bartop Arcade (part 2) – Bill of Materials

Because of my previous post (part 1 of this series) people have asked me where I bought my electronics. So in this post I will give you my current bill of materials and I will update this post as I go along with this project.

I hope you will find this helpful and some comments would be greatly appreciated.

Tested and work
Joysticks and buttons
VGA to HDMI adapter
I’m thinking of adding an old VGA monitor instead of the Pi screen

Not received yet (so not tested)
Pressure fit USB case mount
Small USB speakers

Last update 20th of February 2018


Crypto currency How to Raspberry Pi

Mining crypto with a Raspberry Pi

Did you ever wanted to try your hand at mining crypto currency? I did. And I even got it to work on a Raspberry Pi. Okay I did not get rich overnight, but it worked and for a nerd like me that is really fun. If you want to try this yourself, follow the instructions below and watch my Youtube video for details on mining pool setup and even how to send your coins to an Exchange to buy Bitcoin. Ha! who said you can’t mine Bitcoin with a Raspberry BUYAH!

Okay the starting point of these instructions is a freshly installed Raspberry with either Raspbian Stretch (Lite version will do fine) or Pi64. Both work, but I found that Pi64 got a little higher Hashing rate. You can follow my instructions on how to install an image and configure a Pi via this link if you need to and I forked the Pi64 image location to my Github page here.

So you booted up your Pi and are looking at the command prompt. Let’s first update everything and get that out of the way.

sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Now install all the dependencies to get your mining rig running.

sudo apt-get install autoconf libcurl4-openssl-dev libjansson-dev openssl libssl-dev gcc gawk wget unzip make

Download the mining software and unzip it



Do some configuring

cd yenten_miner

sudo chmod 700 *

sudo touch ChangeLog

sudo ./

sudo ./configure

sudo make -j4

If all went well we are now able to mine the Altcoin named Yenten. It is a Japanese coin and will become the world only currency in about 10 years or so I’m told. But for now it is almost worth 2 cents at the moment of writing this post.

Be sure to watch my video in order to understand how to get a wallet where all your mining spoils will be send to from the mining pool. Oh and you will also see how to create and configure your miningpool account. So be sure to check it. The video isn’t my greatest work (yet) but it is my first step on my very own Youtube channel.


Once you have done the wallet and the miningpool thingy, you are clear to mine some coins. Just give the following command (and replace my account, workername and password with yours).

sudo ./minerd -a yescryptr16 -t 4 -o stratum+tcp:// -u jiltednl.pi001 -p password

Oh and if you become a miljonair with this great tutorial, email me for my bankaccount number. Thank you.

This is my own mining rig by the way. Impressive right?


Projects Raspberry Pi

Bartop Arcade (part 1)

One of my first Raspberry Pi projects was creating a retro gaming console. I started with Retro Pie at first but almost a year later I see myself using Recalbox instead. Both options are great, but I found an image based on Recalbox that had over 49 different consoles and more than 11.000+ games ready to play.

As I write this post my Windows PC is working on copying that image its content, so I can strip it down to a smaller version (and in English, it is now in Portugese) so you can install it on a smaller (cheaper) microSD card than the 60 euro 128GB microSD I had to buy to use this image.

all praise go to Andrés Jimenez Galisteo Jr. who greated this image. As said it holds almost 50 different consoles from all the populair ones like NES/SNES, Playstation and Sega systems to the lesser known Vectrex, scumm VM to even handhelds like Gameboy, Lynxx even the first Watch&Game handhelds but even Mame roms and Apple, PC and MSX homecomputer games. Yes people, it is one hell of an image!

My main goal is to build a bartop Arcade machine with Mame games using the image of Andrés Jimenez as the base system. The project combines not only Raspberry Pi stuff, but some small woodworking and maybe even some light soldering. All and all a fun little project.

On my blog I will report back to you what my progress is with as much detail I can give you. This is part 1.

Getting extra inspiration
I usually start with watching Youtube video’s on the subject but in this case Pinterest is also a great place to look for idea’s and helpful tips. I started a mood-board on my Pinterest page to bundle all those idea’s.

I ordered buttons and joysticks via Aliexpress to connect to my Pi. I found an old TFT screen especially for the Raspberry and harvested some speakers from an old broken TV.

On Pinterest I found the button layout for the bartop. Sure, you can just drill some holes and insert the buttons, but putting the buttons in the right distance from each other is not only more ergonomic, it is also more beautifullerderder.

The templates I found were all images and printing them would not give the correct measurements. Therefore I made a .pdf file from the template I am going to use so that you can download it and just print it to get the correct size immediately. Your welcome. You can download it from my Github page here.

So for now I have printed the template, downloaded the image, installed it on a Pi and connected all the hardware (excluding the speakers for now) in order to test and making sure all is working properly. And enjoying some Donkey Kong in the process.

The coming days I will look for video’s on building the bartop, shopping for some materials to build it and further editing the image for use in the bartop Arcade.