Crypto currency Tips & Tricks

Free crypto up for grabs

You can mine your own crypto coins, you can buy them for fiat money at an exchange or you can just register to a new and upcoming coin and help them get some more exposure for some free coins. Yes, for free.

Although it is totally not the way I imagine the future of crypto will look like, just getting some free coins is always a good idea if you ask me.

So why not get some for yourself guys and girls?


Register for an account at Signals for instance by following this link. Yes I will get some extra free coins as well, but it costs you nothing in return. Just register and follow their Facebook page, Twitter account and like some posts and/or tweets and you will get free tokens that will be exchanged for free coins over time.


Or take a look at Aelf coin, they are doing almost the same thing. click my referral link here. Same thing here, register, link your Twitter account, Github account, join their Telegram group, like some tweets and every 24 hours they will give you free coins in return.



Crypto currency How to Raspberry Pi

Mining crypto with a Raspberry Pi

Did you ever wanted to try your hand at mining crypto currency? I did. And I even got it to work on a Raspberry Pi. Okay I did not get rich overnight, but it worked and for a nerd like me that is really fun. If you want to try this yourself, follow the instructions below and watch my Youtube video for details on mining pool setup and even how to send your coins to an Exchange to buy Bitcoin. Ha! who said you can’t mine Bitcoin with a Raspberry BUYAH!

Okay the starting point of these instructions is a freshly installed Raspberry with either Raspbian Stretch (Lite version will do fine) or Pi64. Both work, but I found that Pi64 got a little higher Hashing rate. You can follow my instructions on how to install an image and configure a Pi via this link if you need to and I forked the Pi64 image location to my Github page here.

So you booted up your Pi and are looking at the command prompt. Let’s first update everything and get that out of the way.

sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Now install all the dependencies to get your mining rig running.

sudo apt-get install autoconf libcurl4-openssl-dev libjansson-dev openssl libssl-dev gcc gawk wget unzip make

Download the mining software and unzip it



Do some configuring

cd yenten_miner

sudo chmod 700 *

sudo touch ChangeLog

sudo ./

sudo ./configure

sudo make -j4

If all went well we are now able to mine the Altcoin named Yenten. It is a Japanese coin and will become the world only currency in about 10 years or so I’m told. But for now it is almost worth 2 cents at the moment of writing this post.

Be sure to watch my video in order to understand how to get a wallet where all your mining spoils will be send to from the mining pool. Oh and you will also see how to create and configure your miningpool account. So be sure to check it. The video isn’t my greatest work (yet) but it is my first step on my very own Youtube channel.


Once you have done the wallet and the miningpool thingy, you are clear to mine some coins. Just give the following command (and replace my account, workername and password with yours).

sudo ./minerd -a yescryptr16 -t 4 -o stratum+tcp:// -u jiltednl.pi001 -p password

Oh and if you become a miljonair with this great tutorial, email me for my bankaccount number. Thank you.

This is my own mining rig by the way. Impressive right?